Get The Only Book on Property Management You'll Ever Need - For Free!

How to become a landlord E-Book

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Looking to make extra money from rental income by purchasing your first investment property? Awesome! Now all that’s left to do is figure out how to become a landlord.  

Intimidating much? We get it.  

That’s why we’ve created the property management book to end them all. And guess what? 

We’ve decided to send it your way for free! 

Claim your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Property Management and learn everything you need to know to start generating passive income by collecting rent!  

Who are We and Why are We Giving Away Rental Property Investment Books? 

Glad you asked! The book on managing rental properties that you’re about to read was inspired by the first 12 episodes of our podcast, Investment Property Geeks of Charlotte. 

The podcast is hosted by Chris Claflin, who first began investing in real estate in 2011. After quickly becoming hooked on managing rental properties, Chris decided to use his extensive corporate background to become an expert in the industry.  

Not only did he succeed, but he also went on to found Sunnon, a leading property management company in Charlotte, NC. Throughout the course of his journey, Chris devoured countless books on investing in rental properties.  

While many contained invaluable information, he often found himself wishing someone would just write a simple, straightforward guide to how to become a landlord.  

After developing a hit podcast on the subject with co-host Jessie Mancuso, Chris began to realize he wasn’t alone. As more listeners tuned in each week for fun and friendly advice on managing a rental property, Chris decided it was time to write the book he wished he could’ve read when he was first starting out.  

The result was a thorough yet easy-to-follow guide to getting started in investment properties. While becoming a landlord may not sound like the world’s easiest task, each page of The Ultimate Guide to Property Management makes becoming a property owner feel a bit more doable. 

Sick of the complicated legal jargon that commonly clutters rental property management books? Rest assured that The Ultimate Guide to Property Management uses plain English to teach you all you need to know about becoming a first-time landlord. 

What All Successful Property Owners Need to Know 

 What do you hope to achieve by renting property? Do you need to purchase landlord insurance? How do property taxes work and what local and state laws do you need to become familiar with? 

An alarming number of first-time landlords end up experiencing issues because they failed to ask themselves these vital questions. That’s why The Ultimate Guide to Property Management contains a comprehensive breakdown for experienced and new landlords alike.  

Here are just a few of the topics we’ll cover to help you get the most out of your rental property.  

Property Evaluation and Selection 

Finding a suitable property is a fundamental part of making sure you get the best possible return on your investment. That’s why we’ll discuss the importance of everything from the surrounding real estate market to nearby commercial properties.  

Understanding Expenses 

It's important to understand that making a mortgage payment is not the only expense you’ll face when getting into the rental market. Before you start shopping for mortgage lenders, you’ll need to have a solid understanding of annual registration fees, property fees, maintenance costs, and other expenses.  

We’ll also talk about what you need to know when it comes to setting your rental price, dealing with previous landlords, and getting your property move-in ready. Maintaining positive cash flow can largely come down to knowing exactly what you’re getting into long before making your first down payment.  

Risk Mitigation and Compliance 

Aside from screening for high-quality tenants, there are plenty of other ways to mitigate risk. We’ll help you understand landlord-tenant laws and how many are actually designed to help you.  

You’ll also get a crash course in fair housing laws and how to ensure that you don’t get fined for failure to comply.  


You’ve successfully taken over ownership from your property's past landlords, honed your knowledge of landlord-tenant law, and have a stack of freshly printed lease agreements ready to go. Now all that’s left to do is figure out how to attract renters.  

Understanding the basics of marketing can go a long way toward attracting prospective tenants. Even if you intend to work with a real estate agent or property manager, how you market your property can be an important key to attracting responsible tenants.  

Screening Potential Tenants 

Unfortunately, many landlords learn the importance of tenant screening the hard way. Don’t let it happen to you! We’ll tell you what you need to know when it comes to finding tenants that help make the entire rental process a joy rather than a nightmare.  

Even if you plan to have your property managers interview prospective renters, it's important to make sure they know what you’re looking for in a new tenant. Good tenants can increase the appeal of your property and generate a return on your investment for years.  

Troublesome tenants, on the other hand, can result in far more issues than unpaid rent. There’s nothing worse than facing maintenance expenses that exceed the value of a renter’s security positive or simply being forced to endure an unpleasant relationship.  

We’ll give you the inside scoop about how to screen tenants using a background and credit check. You’ll also learn how to make sure your rental agreement contains important clauses that can keep you protected throughout the rental process.  

The Art of Rent Collecting 

From collecting security deposits to online rent collection, you’ll learn several great landlord tips that can help make your job a lot easier. Let's face it, paying rent is never fun. But, as a landlord, making sure your tenants do it anyway is an important part of owning rental properties. 

Residential properties often come with unique challenges, such as how to handle late rent payments. You'll also learn what to expect when a tenant moves and how to renegotiate a lease agreement with a renter who wants to renew. 

Ready to take the first step toward your dream of collecting rents for years to come? Find out how to join countless other property investors and learn everything you need to know to be a successful landlord!

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